Category Archives: Uncategorized
Hope is Found at the Bottom of Grief
“I’m going to shoot the moon!!!!” —me, believing I can achieve the highly unlikely best outcome in most situations It has come to my attention that I have a tendency toward optimism that borders on delusional. For the most part, … Continue reading
What if I fall?
A few weeks ago, I had a dream that I was battling a shadow creature in a setting much like Moria where Gandalf fought the Balrog. And as the creature was coming toward me, I was fighting defensively, getting backed … Continue reading
Love and Nature
I grew up in an era before iPhones, before the internet, and before helicopter parenting. In other words, I was one of the lucky ones. In the summer of 1986, my family moved “below the canal” (south of the Delaware … Continue reading
Architects of Change
On Monday, I get my hair cut. Hair cuts bring up some anxious feelings for me. Every time I go to get my hair cut, I try to act like I think a “normal person” getting their hair cut would … Continue reading
What’s Next?
A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker… Applying for a farm but am I a faker? That’s a lil poem that got stuck in my head over the past few months as Collin and I have been taking steps towards … Continue reading